Fearful dog advice.

Fearful dog advice.

Q: My Labrador has been fine up until now, but suddenly became overly fearful. He hides behind me, pees and growls at strangers. What happened? How do I correct this behavior?

(This problem is almost always encountered by women handlers. Husbands may not have the same problem when on their own with the Lab).

A: This sudden onset of behavior is usually caused by a visit to the veterinarian where surgery is involved; most of the time neutering or spaying was the reason for the visit. However, before we get into the details of that, let’s take a look at the basics to rule out other causes.
Some Labrador puppies are naturally more cautions than others, even from the same litter. Much depends upon development within the litter, and their reaction to litter mates. (Contrary to popular belief, the one that is picked on the most, seldom becomes the scared dog). While a Labrador’s caution is fine, we must make sure as owners we do not manifest this caution into the reactions stated in your question. First look back and see if your dog is only reacting to those people wearing hats, carrying umbrellas, or wearing orange. If so, skip down to the “What Do I Do Now? section, answer #4.

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