Standard Conditions Of Sale Deposit
Deposits are applied to a color and gender combination. If you make the first deposit towards a particular litter or time-frame, you have the right to choose your pup first, or have us pick using the information you provide. Second deposit earns second pick position, and so on. If we cannot reach you during the time it is necessary to choose a pup, we will by default choose one for you.
If the particular color/gender combination becomes unavailable from an upcoming litter, (for example, if the expected pups are not born or have a health concern) you will have the option of changing your deposit or payment to apply to a different color/gender, or a different litter, even if that litter has not yet been born. We provide you with a lot of lateral flexibility with your deposit, as it is important to us for you to get the puppy of your choice.
When we apply your deposit to a particular litter, we can no longer sell that position to another customer. We also base breeding decisions and make customer recommendations based on deposits on hand. Therefore, deposits, partial payments and full payments are non-refundable.
Deposits and/or full payments towards adult dogs are non-refundable, even if you return the dog to us. We work very hard to place just the right adult with you, but understand it will take work on your family’s part to make sure you have a successful transition. While many people envision the perfect adult Labrador stretched out by the fireplace, understand it still takes work to get to that point, even if the Lab has been fully trained. Your ability to handle a Labrador and understand what is going through his or her mind is paramount to a successful outcome. We will always be happy to work with you and guide your family towards a successful placement, but understand if you or your spouse decide to throw in the towel, there will be no refund, as it is very costly for us to take a Labrador back and find it another home. It is rare that we would actually profit from the sale of an adult Labrador, due to the training, boarding and health costs associated with finding the adult a suitable home.
A trained Labrador needs an understanding and knowledgeable handler to make the training work. We can easily train the dog, as it has no choice. However, we have no control on whether the owner of the dog accepts our advice or training, or over the ability of the owner to properly handle a trained dog. Therefore, deposits and/or full payments towards training are non-refundable.
We will always be happy to work with you to affect a positive outcome, but please understand that in almost all cases, the owner needs as much or more training than the dog. If you decide to accept none or part of our advice, or decide to incorporate other methods and techniques from other books, friends, relatives, tv shows, etc. the outcome of your training and ability to handle your dog will be compromised.
Example: Imagine a third grade classroom. The children are well behaved with the teacher, but when the ” leash” is handed over to the parents, many children will become “monsters”. Would simple training of the child make them act better at home? This is doubtful – the parent would be the one in need of training.