LABPUPS.COM – Purchase agreement

By my signature below, I acknowledge that I have received detailed information from, Inc. regarding the importance of proper canine nutrition, including dog foods, snacks, and natural vitamin c. I understand that feeding even one bag of improper food, treats, or supplements may result in O.C.D., hip dysplasia, or other health issues, and that doing so will void my guarantee, regardless of whether my veterinarian agrees with this or not.  I also understand that I must feed a natural vitamin c on a daily basis to meet the conditions of my guarantee, and that drugstore or GNC vitamin c is not adequate.  I hereby acknowledge that I have either received a copy of the guarantee from, Inc. or I have read it to my satisfaction from the website

I  have been informed that the consumption of even one milk bone, one rawhide chew, landscape bark, or one mouthful of any material (including unfamiliar dog food) my dog does not have the enzymes to digest, will result in diarrhea, possibly with some blood. I understand this does not usually constitute a medical emergency, and that a visit to the vet for such benign medical conditions could result in the contraction of a contagious disease.

I also understand that the number one viral danger is Parvovirus, and that I should keep my puppy away from such high traffic areas as Petsmart, Petco, the dog pound, and the veterinarian’s office, until absolutely necessary.

It has been explained to me that proper training is important to my dog’s disposition and safety, and that crate training, treat training, electric shock collar training, or total lack of training may cause a change in my dog’s behavior. In any event, I agree to release, Inc., JaxMax, Inc, and/or their owners/employees/appointees from liability for my dog’s actions.

Should I be unable to keep my dog, I will relinquish ownership to, Inc. for placement, and agree to provide medical records and AKC papers when doing so. I understand that it is my responsibility to transport the dog to, Inc. and that I may not receive compensation. I also agree that should my dog be found in abusive or neglectful conditions,, Inc. retains the right to return the dog to their ownership and control, and that I would receive no compensation. I agree to waive legal rights of repossession in this case. I understand that this contract prohibits my giving or selling this dog to a third party. I authorize the AKC to reflect changes in registration allowing transfer back to Tripp Wood or a representative of, should they request such, and agree to hold AKC harmless for this action.

I understand that my dog’s microchip will be registered. This will allow animal control to contact me should my dog be lost and then located. If I fail to update my information with, animal control may be unable to contact me, it is possible may get a last minute call before my dog is euthanized or adopted out, since is recorded as the installer of the chip. If my dog is picked up by animal control or another entity/individual, I authorize a representative of, Inc. to pick up my dog for me. I agree to repay whatever fees, Inc. has paid on my behalf, in order to save my dog. I hereby direct such entity/individual holding my dog to release him/her into the custody of, Inc. or their appointees, regardless of state or municipality.

Should, Inc. need to pick up my impounded /captured dog for me, I understand they will do everything possible to contact me. For this reason, I will keep any changes to my name, address, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. updated in my personal profile at, Inc. Should, Inc. not be able to contact me for any reason, I authorize them to place my dog with another family after a hold period of two weeks, and understand that this placement may be permanent.

I hereby release from responsibility, Inc., JaxMax, Inc., their owners, employees, and appointees for the loss of or damage to my dog, whether through boarding, training, or rescue. I also agree to release from liability any dog pound/entity, or individual that gives my dog to, Inc.

I understand that my deposit/full payment is non-refundable, even if I refuse to pick up or take delivery of my dog, with the exception of conditions covered by the guarantee. When paying with credit or debit card, I agree that I will not request a reversal of charges for any reason, and that any refund will be at the sole discretion of, Inc. or JaxMax., Inc. I hereby authorize, Inc, and JaxMax., Inc. to charge my credit or debit card for my orders, written or verbal. I also agree that any check issued to, Inc. or JaxMax., Inc., their owners or employees, will not be eligible for a stop payment, without the written consent of, Inc. or JaxMax, Inc.

When visiting any facility or home, whether leased, owned, or borrowed, of, Inc. and/or JaxMax, Inc. for any reason, I understand that I do so at my own risk. I agree to release, Inc., JaxMax, Inc. and their owners/employees/volunteers/guests from liability for any injury or loss, whether through design or accident. I also agree that this applies to all minors, whether they are my children or guests, and whether I am in attendance with them or not. I agree to explain this release of responsibility  to parents/guardians of visiting children, and obtain their approval. These conditions also apply to any events that may be hosted by, Inc. or JaxMax, Inc. including but not limited to outdoor events, travel, boats, and dog bites, regardless of location. Photos/videos taken during these events, or submissions to, Inc. or JaxMax, Inc. may be used on the website or in printed material, and may be used for commercial products. I hereby give release for use of these photos, including those of my children, without expecting compensation.